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The scientific basis for the ARP POV Sport is the positive cellular effects of direct current (DC) electrical fields on these processes. Direct current has been shown to affect cellular migration and orientation, endothelialization, protein synthesis, and calcium regulation. (4,6,7,10,18,19,21,22,24,25)

Direct current electrical fields can modulate a number of factors involved in the stimulus/response. A major process that is affected by direct current is cellular migration and orientation. Cooper and Keller, working with amphibian neural crest cells exposed to a direct current field, demonstrated a migration of cells towards the cathode with a resultant perpendicular cellular orientation. (7) In further studies, Cooper and Schliwa concluded that cell locomotion could be controlled with manipulation of the direct current field. (8) This process, called galvanotaxis, has been demonstrated also in neutrophils, macrophages, and fibroblasts. (10,18,21,22,23)

Intracellular processes are also affected by exposure to direct current. Cheng et al established that relatively low levels of direct current can raise the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) level almost 500 % and increase protein synthesis and membrane transport. (6) Bourguignon et al demonstrated an uncapping of insulin receptors on the cell membrane and enhancement of protein and DNA synthesis within the first minute after direct current stimulation. (4)

This was the first study to investigate the potential of the ARP modality as an adjunct to physical therapy in order to achieve superior size and strength of the quadriceps femoris muscle group. We conclude that the ARP modality significantly improves the rehabilitation of the quadriceps femoris in the post-operative period. The data gathered in this pilot study, demonstrates that there is a potential advantage in the use of the ARP modality to restore strength of the quadriceps and retard disuse atrophy. (26)

Platelets also release growth factors that attract monocytes. Monocytes mature into macrophages that become the controlling cells in muscle building. Macrophages continue the process of bacteria phagocytosis and also secrete growth factors that attract and activate fibroblasts.

Fibroblasts proliferate and migrate, and produce a collagen matrix. Concomitantly, endothelial cells migrate to the collagen matrix to produce new blood vessels in this matrix. Granulation tissue is formed composed of fibroblasts, endothelial cells, PMNs, and a collagen matrix.

Direct current can also produce changes in endothelialization. Nannmark et al reported an increased permeability to macromolecules, and changes in capillary permeability to white blood cells with exposure to low levels of direct current. (19) Direct current can affect the migration of endothelial cells in vitro. (24)

The scientific basis for the use of direct current stimulation in recovery has long been established. The clinical problem has been in the application of the direct current without severe discomfort and skin damage. With precise application of an ingenious, patented background waveform, PoV Sport technology allows clinically appropriate levels of direct current to be delivered to tissues safely.


POV Sport is the culmination of an immense body of research comprising the science behind the technology:

  1. Bassett CAL, Hermann I. The effect of electrostatic fields on macromolecular synthesis by fibroblasts in vitro. J Cell Biol, 329: 9, 1968.
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  7. Cooper MS, Keller RE. Perpendicular orientation and directional migration of amphibian neural crest cells in DC electric fields. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 81: 160-164, 1985.
  8. Cooper MS, Schliwa M. Electrical and ionic controls of tissue cell locomotion in DC electric fields. J. Neurosci Res, 13: 223-244, 1985.
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  10. Erickson CA, Nuccitelli RL. Embryonic cell motility can be guided by physiological electric fields. J Cell Biol, 98: 296-307, 1984.
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  13. Friedenberg ZB, Harlow MC, Brighton CT. Healing of nonunion of medial malleolus by means of direct current: a case report. J Trauma, 11: 883-885, 1971.
  14. Friedenberg ZB, Roberts PG, Didizian NH, Brighton CT. Stimulation of fracture healing by direct current in the rabbit fibula. J Bone Joint Surg, 53A: 1400-1408, 1971.
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  18. Luther PW, Peng HB, Lin JC. Changes in cell shape and action distribution induced by constant electrical fields. Nature, 303: 61-64, 1985.
  19. Nannmark U, Buch F, Albrektsson T. Vascular reactions during electrical stimulation. Vital microscopy of the hamster cheek pouch and the rabbit tibia. Acta Orthop Scand, 56: 52-56, 1985.
  20. Nessler JP, Mass DP. Direct current electrical stimulation of tendon healing in vitro. Clinical Orthpedics, 217: 303 -308, 1985.
  21. Orida N, Feldman JHD. Directional protrusive psudopodial activity and motility in macrophages induced by extracellular electric fields. Cell Motility, 2: 243-255, 1982.
  22. Nucatelli R, Erickson Ca. Embryonic cell motility can be guided by physiologic electric fields. Exp Cell Res, 147: 195-201, 1983.
  23. Pethig R, Kell DB. The passive electrical properties of biologic systems: their significance in physiology, biophysics, and biotechnology. Phys Med Biol, 32 (8): 933-970, 1987.
  24. Sawyer PN, Suckling EE, Wesolowski SA. Effect of small electric currents on intravascular thrombosis in the visualized rat mesentery. Am J Physiol, 198: 1006-1010, 1960.
  25. Schwan HP. Mechanisms responsible for electrical properties of tissues and cell suspension. Med Prog Technol, 19 (4): 163-165, 1993-94.
  26. Richardson AB et al; The Accelerated Recovery Performance (ARP) Trainer as a Method for Improving Rehabilitation Following ACL Reconstruction. John A. Burns School of Medicine University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hi 2University of Hawaii Orthopaedic Residency Program, Honolulu, Hawaii.
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